Woman working on a computer under an urban background.


Innovative and simple solutions to everyday manual processes

Learn how to save hours and improve accuracy

online course

Learn how to use Python, a very simple programming language
to automate your everyday responsibilities


On-demand online course.
Follow you own schedule.
Break. Rewind. Revise.


Ideal for complete beginners.
Simple introduction to Python.
No experience necessary.


Got stuck? Here to help.
Personal 15-minute calls and
chat support are included.


Pay weekly, suspend any time.
Low risk, high return
investment for your career.

Real life examples

Citibank Logo

Corporate Banking Front Office

Internship in a European office

2 hours
saved daily

It all started when one of my reports had rounding! errors and it turned out that I will have to write 117 more of the same standardized company reports.

I decided to write a script to write the reports.
Initial version was completed in 2 hours.

Reports were done in a snap of a finger.

There was no rounding error anymore.
Program code doesn't make any mistakes.

Goldman Sachs Logo

Credit Derivatives Middle Office

London, UK

5 hours
saved daily

Well, the list is long here.

GS is an amazing company and yet, there is significant potential in automating workflow.

I successfully automated the majority of the manual workflows.

It did not only result in personal time saving,
significantly improved accuracy as well.

All of these are included in the course.


Get data

Learn how to use Python to automatically obtain data from various sources like:
Email attachments
Excel sheets

Work on data

Learn how to use Python to analyse data
Time series, regression, matching
Create stunning visualizations
Create various reports

Present results

Create a UI interface to manage tasks
Export results to Excel, Word or PDF
Send emails and add attachments
Send alerts via text message

Create a completely automatic workflow

I don't really like to work..

so I code my work

Hi, my name is Gary!

My qualifications:

MSc Finance, London School of Economics (LSE)
BSc Economics, London School of Economics (LSE)

Yes, I never studied Computer Science

I simply learnt how to use Python to automate my work.
This course will make it much easier for you to do the same.
I will hand over all the tips and tricks during this 12 weeks.



12 weeks.

Online, on-demand.

Includes many exercises with solution.

Includes personal support via chat and video call.

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